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Monday, June 4, 2012

Follow with us: Day 1

Day 1: Read Matthew 8:5~13

Bible Point:  No Matter Who You Are...Trust God!

Why it matters:
Society has done a lot to pigeonhole or label kids.  Over the years, books, movies, TV shows and even teachers are quick to identify kids as "the nerd", "the athlete", "the artist", or "the bully." And while a few kids may fit into a certain stereotype, most kids are a mixture of likes, dislikes, abilities, challenges, and experiences.  Plus, the kids who attend VBS come from a variety of faith backgrounds.  Some may have a strong belief in God, others may think the stories of Jesus are fiction, and some may be hearing Scripture for the first time ever.  What a relief to know that everyone can trust God~regardless of race, finances, skills, physical abilities, or past mistakes.
We want to use all of these experiences to help kids realize that anyone can have faith in God.

"People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7)

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