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Friday, June 8, 2012

Join us for Celebration Sunday!

Please join us This Sunday, June 10th for our celebration Sunday.  We will be singing songs from Sky VBS as well as enjoying a photo video of all the pictures from the week.  We have 2 services you can choose from...or...join us for both :)
8:30AM~ Contemporary
11:00AM~ Traditional

We offer Sunday School for all ages in between starting at 10AM.  
We hope to see you all there!

Soar like a bird...

Day 5

Wow! Day 5 was busy!  What a way to wrap up VBS 2012!
Here is Sky High Movie & Missions where the kids made cards to send to Mail Africa with the mosquito nets we were able to pay for through our offering. 

Special thanks Cindy and Linda!  

 Throughout the week the kids have been disucssing their God sightings and pasting a cotton ball cloud for each sighting they have.  Looks like God has been doing great things!

All week long kids have been having a blast at Imagination Station, however tonight's activity sent them soaring!
The kids made bubbles of all kinds and even made a human bubble!
Thanks so much Candi and crew...this really was amazing!

All week long the littlest flyers have been well cared for by our awesome "flight attendants"!  Thanks for taking care of our little pilots!

 Tonights spotlight drama highlighted the Treehouse Preschool! They did such a great job!

 Throughout this week we have learned that "Nothing is Imossible with God" and we should always... 
Trust God!

 Here's to a great, high-flying, adventurous week!


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Preschool Treehouse

Sky-High Tree House giving us a Pre-View of what they've been working on.

Follow With Us: Day 4

Read: Matthew 27:32-28:20

Bible Point:  No Matter What Happens...Trust God!

Why it matters: Adults may feel like kids have it easy--and by comparison, maybe they do.  But every child at VBS has faced or is facing something that seems impossible.  For some, it's falling asleep in a dark room while they imagine monsters under the bed.  Other kids are dealing with intense peer pressure, unstable homes, and unsafe family situations.  Some kids might just need courage to stand up for their faith or to obey God's Word.  Those seemingly impossible tasks can seem overwhelming to kids...until they discover that everything is possible with God!  The activities at VBS will give kids hope, as they rely on a powerful, loving God.

"And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love."  Romans 8:38

Day 4

I love watching friendships bloom! :)
We have been having an amazing week at VBS and Day 4 was no different! 

Crew 1
Crew 2 
Crew 3 
Crew 10 
Crew 11
Crew 12
Preschool Crews 13, 14 and 15

Again tonight we had some wonderful "performers" at spotlight drama.  Here are some of the highlights! 

 Candi and Crew has been doing an amazing job at Imagination Station a cross between crafts and science experiments.  Here the kids were working on Sky-High candy planes.

All week long our wonderful staff at Skydive Diner has been working hard preparing delicious snacks for us all.  Thanks ladies they have been delicious!

All-Star Games played a fun game called Mosquito and Nets.  The Net had to catch the mosquito!

Our "bad lady" Marge has done a great job filling the bags full of goodies each and every night. Thank you so much!!
Cindy and Linda are working hard at Sky High Movie and Missions...more on that on Day 5 :)