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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 3

Sheldon was in quite a fuss during Day 3 opening.  Someone had made him very mad because he had lied and Sheldon did not like it.  Molly was able to talk to Sheldon and let him know to Trust God in all things and Sheldon was able to calm down by the end of the night.  Phew!

We are beginning to learn all the moves to our Sky songs and are enjoying singing and dancing at opening. 
Crew 7

Crew 8

Crew 9

In Day 3's High Flying Diner the kids helped make Rootbeer Floats (Clouds Floating on the sky).  Yum!
Every last drop!

During Spotlight Drama Crews 10,11 and 12 were able to help make the closing slide show.  Here are some of their fun pictures! 

While out in the field taking pictures we found a "God Sighting".  
This hot air balloon was floating over First Christian Church.

These pictures make it hard to see the whole effect of Wild Blue Bible Adventures during day 3.  When you walked into the parlor it was a pitch black maze.   
Garden of Gethsemane 
The Whip used on Jesus 
Jesus' crown of thorns 
Pontius Pilots throne where he washed his hands of Jesus
The children were led through the maze stopping at each station to learn more about Jesus.  The kids were each given a small battery candle to lead then through the dark forest maze. 

 During closing on Day 3 the crews were given 1 minute to share something hurtful that someone has said to them at some point in their lives.  
The crew leaders then took turns weighing Sheldon down with their mean word balloons. 
This made Sheldon very sad. 
When Sheldon was so weighted down with mean grudges he couldn't hug his friends, go out to play, give a handshake or any other fun things that make life fun!
Molly came and showed how when we Trust God we can let go of those hurtful things.  When we Trust God we can let go of mean words.  When we Trust God we can let go of the bad things in life. 
As the balloons floated to the top of the sanctuary the kids were given a very powerful visual effect of what God can do if we Trust Him!

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