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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day 2

A great night 2 at Sky VBS!  We had 78 kids in attendance for a total of 91 different kids this week so far!  God is good!
We will be taking pictures of all 15 crews throughout the week to post here.  
Crew 4
Crew 5
Crew 6

 Crews 8 and 9 were up for Spotlight drama tonight.  Here are some of their funny photos!

Everything IS possible with God!

 In Imagination Station the kids made "clouds" with Ivory Soap and the microwave.  The small hall smelled wonderful!  They took 1/2 bar of Ivory soap, put it into the microwave on a microwavable plate for 2 minutes and the soap expanded to form a puffy cloud.  If you try this at home PLEASE note: the soap is very hot when it comes out of the microwave and no matter how tempting, do not put your finger into the middle of the "cloud"

 During Wild Bible Adventrues the children we taken to Lazarus' tomb.  It was a very cool experience for the children!
The tomb and Pastor Greg leading the preschoolers into the cave. 
Exploring the cave with the lights on... 
Andrew in the cave with the lights off! The tomb/cave was big enough/tall enough for Andrew to stand almost totally upright inside. 
This was a very exciting experience for everyone!  Well done guys!

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